Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Backpackers in name only

Today is our last day in Bangkok, and we're now headed to Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand. If there's one thing that has become blatantly obvious, its that we're backpackers in name only.

  • We have rather functional Swiss Army backpacks (then again, anything by Swiss Army is functional). Lots of compartments, a very comfortable handle / roller wheels for rolling through the airport/sidewalk, hard-core backpack straps (both shoulder and around the waist), and its only a couple of inches larger than a typical carry on. Most of the hippies have these huge bags that go over their heads and seemingly require Nepalese shirpas to haul.
  • Hardcore backpackers travel between the Bangkok and Chiang Mai via bus, which costs about $10 per person, and takes 12-15 hours. We are flying via Thai Airways in Business Class for about $100. Let the record show: Business was only $25 more than coach; Is on an Airbus A330 (international plane with the really cool seats, even if its only for an hour), and has airport lounge access (and the lounge has food).
  • We wash our feet.
  • We stayed in hotels/guest houses that are clean, have air-conditioning, a private bathroom/shower, and generally lack insects/rodents. Hardcore backpackers view these features as a bonus, and not worth an extra $5/night.


Anonymous said...

Nick, how are we gonna get those juicy travel stories if you behave like this :)
Greta to see you are having fun.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you hit someone in the nads when they said Bangkok. Please, for gawds sake - I may never get the chance.